HELIO PROD and HELIO STORE are versatile systems,
adapted to different market segments
Process heat : a major global challEnge
That is a business potential of €131 million/year for IDHELIO on the French, European and Mediterranean markets.
The key numbers :
Heat production in 2022 is :
75% of industrial energy needs
€1,900 billion/year (base €80/MWh)
23% of global CO2 emissions
To fight against global warming, companies have favored electrical solutions, but the price of electricity is continuously rising…
To reduce their energy bills, companies have relied on gas, but supply is now subject to geopolitical vagaries, and prices are unstable..
IDHELIO solutions (SUN + AIR) allow you to:
- Decarbonize,
- Control your budget,
- Secure its supply sources.
Energy cost curve
The cost of fossil fuels will steadily increase over the next few years. The cost of solar energy corresponds to the amortization of the initial investment over the first years of operation. Thereafter, only very low costs remain for the operation and maintenance of the installation.
The replacement of fossil energy by solar therefore offers very good profitability over the overall life of the project.
The COVID crisis and the Ukrainian conflict are two events that are upheaving Europe, and whose structural effects are already being felt on energy prices.
In addition, society is becoming more and more aware that climate change is a reality with serious short-term consequences, and that the fight against global warming must now be one of its priorities. The introduction of carbon taxes is part of this concern.
The price of fossil fuels will therefore remain structurally high: it could settle permanently around €80/MWh.
But to estimate the real cost of the MWh in the very near future, it is also necessary to take into account the amount of carbon taxes in the different countries. These could quickly rise above €100/ton of CO2, i.e. an impact of approximately €25/MWh, which would lead to an average cost of €105/MWh for the industrial heat produced by fossil fuels.
With an average heat production price of around €55/MWh, IDHELIO solutions are very competitive compared to natural gas and other fossil fuels in general.
The price of the “MWh IDHELIO” is of course specific to each project: it must be precise by a complete study which will take into account the location of the project, its size and the temperature levels required by the processes that one wishes to decarbonize. .
In terms of solar installations, the choice of technologies and the sizing both depend on the geographical areas where the projects are located.
The levels of direct sunshine (DNI) to be taken into account for the concentration vary according to the two maps above. There are two types of radiation in sunlight:
- ldirect radiation that generates shadow called DNI (Direct Normal Irradiance, or Beam Normal Irradiance )
- lradiation that does not generate a shadow and which is called “diffuse radiation”.
Solar concentration technologies such as HELIO PROD exclusively collect the direct radiation DNI on the mirrors. Concentrating these radiations allows a high global energy efficiency through the obtention of high-temperature.
Photovoltaic technology uses all of the radiation (direct and diffuse) but with a lower yield and it requires larger solar collection surfaces.
HELIO PROD technology will be favored for geographical areas benefiting from direct Irradiance (DNI) of more than 1700 kWh/m2/year.
For a DNI of less than 1,500kWh/m2/year, the HELIO VOLT coupled solution will be preferred: a photovoltaic field coupled with the HELIO STORE technology.
Regions with sunshine of 1500 to 1700 kWh/m2/year constitute a transition zone for the choices between the two proposed solutions. The choice often depends on the size of the project and the heat demand cycles.